A brave and uncompromising experiment by the young artist Yoav Brener who physically examined with his partner the very thin boundaries between sex as a pure creative act and love. He carried out the move in a systematic way that would not embarrass any Lab, with filling out a questionnaire and checking parameters before and after: the degree of passion, curiosity, love and alertness.
Brener also examined the effects of color on the experiment, and not just any color, but colors carefully selected according to Vasily Kandinsky's colors schemes. From the physical to the spiritual. Here is the experiment details and conclusions:
Planet Earth. Political territory: Israel. Coordinates: 32.13922050640604, 34.94781054425939.
A small private house.
White bedroom, devoid of distractions.
Single bed covered with cotton fabric.
Acrylic paints are smeared on the fabric and the naked bodies.
More Leibowitz and Yoav Brenner.
Sunday, 9 p.m.
Wet white cloth. More and Yoav are naked, painted black.
White is the beginning that leads to development / transcendence and black hides the wind and covers the eyes.
Preliminary subjective assessment of alertness, curiosity, love and passion.
making love.
Monday, 9 p.m.
Wet red cloth. More and Yoav are naked, painted black.
Color red, energetic, active, containing anger and passion. Confrontation with impulses and passions.
Preliminary subjective assessment of alertness, curiosity, love and passion.
making love.
Tuesday, 9 p.m.
Wet black fabric. More and Yoav are naked, painted yellow.
Yellow reflects earthly wisdom, a consciousness that is connected to the body and matter.
Preliminary subjective assessment of alertness, curiosity, love and passion.
making love.
Wednesday, 9 p.m.
Wet black fabric. More and Yoav are naked, painted white / gray and light blue.
Colors that symbolize growth, on the way to the spiritual, the heavenly.
Preliminary subjective assessment of alertness, curiosity, love and passion.
making love.
Thursday, 9 p.m.
Wet white cloth. More and Yoav are naked, painted blue.
Blue is religious, celestial, infinitely calling, contains unlimited love in the body.
Preliminary subjective assessment of alertness, curiosity, love and passion.
making love.
Friday, 9 p.m.
Wet black fabric. More and Yoav are painted in mixed colors.
Free expression, end of journey, celebration and color.
Preliminary subjective assessment of alertness, curiosity, love and passion.
making love.
Personal diary: Yoav Brenner. After each experiment.
"There's something real here. The excitement is high. Very sexual. Starting a journey / experiment."
"A sense of connection to the body and desires. Delightful devotion."
"Materiality and physical fusion. An entirely different emotional experience. More is cold because of the water. Touching a lot and making love."
"Turning over. A different flow. Something new is starting. It's pleasant and renews the excitement."
"Slowing down, eyes wide open, there is a strong connection and active consciousness. Approaching."
"I have a sense of upliftment and an expression of freedom. More feels she has had enough and feels like a tool, and the emotional disconnect hurts and saddens her.
The experiment is over. "
Photography: More Leibowitz , Sharon Toval
